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pet fetchers
a 4 paw ride service co.
serving the Oklahoma City metro
fetch service not available outside of Oklahoma
**When purchasing a pet, scammers may name pet fetchers as the transport company. Before sending funds for that pet, avoid being scammed by contacting us directly to verify transport.**
contact usYou can contact pet fetchers by phone, text, or email. The fastest way is by phone. Whatever your preferred contact method, we'll respond as quickly as we can. phone: 405.241.9264 email: fetch us here (click)
hoursmonday - friday 7:30am - 6pm We are closed for holidays unless prior arrangements have been made (give us a call in advance) Being in Okieland (oklahoma) - home of the tigernado, twisty wind things, ground shakers, ice like no other, snow, and road rivers (sometimes all in the same day), we reserve the right to close for inclement weather. The safety and well being of the 4 paw kiddos we serve and the pet fetchers team is and always will be the top priority. A couple of additional notes: We will be closed on all major election days (you know, presidential primaries/general election and such). We also close every year on April 19th. #weremember
areas we serve...We serve the Oklahoma City metro area. Fetches to areas outside of our service and within Oklahoma are available at an additional cost. Please reach out to us to see how pet fetchers can help. We DO NOT transport outside of the State of Oklahoma. And just for clarification purposes: let's say you live in the Okc metro area and would like your 4 paw kiddo fetched and lovingly delivered to Grandma's house outside of the Okc metro area - this fetch would be considered out of area. We would be happy to complete this fetch with an additional fee dependent on where Grandma lives.
is my pet covered?Yes. Pet Fetchers is insured and bonded through Pet Sitters Associates. The insurance is underwritten by an AM Best rated: A (Excellent) insurance company.
do you accept tips?Yes. Tips are appreciated. Having said that, referrals in lieu of tips would make us break out the happy dance... and we LOVE the happy dance!
do you offer meet and greets in advance of scheduling?Yes we do. You can schedule a meet and greet by creating an account and then choosing "schedule a meet and greet" under the services tab within the appointment scheduler. Or you can contact us at 405.241.9264 or by email here. Meet and greets are $35.35.
what are the differences with the core service fetches?One-way fetch: Pick up from designated location and drop off at destination location. Ex. Pick up your 4 paw kiddo from your home and take them to their bff's house for play time. Round-trip fetch: This is pick up fetch from designated location, drop off at destination location (typically in the morning) and the return trip fetch - picking up from destination location and returning them to the original location all within the same day. The pick up and return must be completed within the same day. Ex. Pick up your 4 paw kiddo from your home in the morning and drop off at doggy daycare. That same afternoon, pick up your 4 paw kiddo from doggy daycare and return home. -- If you need fetch service for pick up and return that are on different days, you will need to schedule 2 one-way fetches... one for pick up and a second for the return fetch. Fetch and Stay: This service includes pick up fetch, stay at vet appt (or other appropriate event), return fetch home. One (1) hour of stay time included in base price. Additional stay time is charged in 30 minute increments. See additional stay time pricing when booking. Ex. Pick up your 4 paw kiddo from your home, take them to their vet visit/appt, stay there with them during the vet exam, and return them home once the vet visit/exam is complete. Remember: Base pricing for all services includes two pets.
pick up and drop offPet Fetchers will need to pick up your 4 paw kiddo from the 4 paw kiddo's authorized human/pet parent/doggo mom, dad, bro or sis, (provided doggo bro and sis are at least 16 yrs of age and the pet parent has made those arrangements in advance of the fetch), or other authorized guardian, etc. It is important to meet you and your 4 paw kiddo(s) to establish a solid foundation and comfort level. Alternate arrangements can be made for future fetches. It is imperative that authorization is in place prior to pick up. In other words, if someone other than the 4 paw kiddo's authorized guardian will be present at pick up or drop off, you must let us know and approve it in advance. We will not pick up your 4 paw kiddos from a backyard without their humans present. Keep in mind, when we bring your 4 paw kiddos back home, WE WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, leave your 4 paw kiddos in a backyard whether it's fenced or not. Even if it's a secured privacy fence with deadbolts, secured like Fort Knox complete with armed guards, nope - we just won't do it. Here's the thing, our 4 paw kiddos ARE our kiddos, right? Right. We want the best for your 4 paw kiddo as we want for our own. We will do our very best to keep them safe and happy which, upon their return, does not include leaving them unsupervised in a backyard type area which could result in loss or harm to your 4 paw kiddo. Not to mention the severe weather that pops up here in Oklahoma. So, again, nope... not going to go there. Thank you for understanding. If your pet is in any way incapacitated that would cause any difficulties with load up/load out, you must let us know in advance to determine whether or not sufficient assistance is available, or whether or not pet fetchers is the best choice for your pet. Currently, we do not have the capabilities to support a large pet who is unable to walk and would require a stretcher or other similar mobility assist. If human owners are willing to assist, we will do our best to help and keep your pet comfortable during transport.
will you take lost 4 paw kiddos to the shelter?Yes we will. The responsible human party will also need to go to authorize the surrender of the 4 paw kiddo and pay the cost of the fetch (round trip fetch starts @ $34.34). We do not charge for the human rider. Otherwise, you can contact the shelter and arrange pickup. See our resources page for best practices when finding a lost 4 paw kiddo.
will you take my 4 paw kiddo to the 4 paw kiddo park?Yes and no. Yes - If you want your 4 paw kiddo taken to the 4 paw kiddo park to meet one of your authorized humans who will then be the responsible party, we will happily fetch your 4 paw kiddo and take them to the 4 paw kiddo park for that reason. No - If you want Pet Fetchers to take your 4 paw kiddo to the dog park for playtime, we will respectfully decline your request. At this time, Pet Fetchers offers transportation services only.
how do I get started?Easy! 1st - Create your account 2nd - Enter your information and the information for your pets 3rd - Review and complete/sign the three required documents (service agreement, transport auth, etc.) You can complete this all online. 4th - Select a service, schedule and pay. That's it! If you have any questions or need help along the way, reach out to us. We are always happy to help.
how do I know my fetch is really scheduled?After you schedule a fetch, Pet Fetchers receives a notification. We review your fetch request and if all things look good, we will approve it (you'll receive a notification). After that happens, you will receive an invoice for the fetch. Payments must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled fetch. Your fetch is confirmed once payment is received. We know life can get kind of crazy sometimes, so if you are unable to make payment 24 hours prior to the fetch, give us a call. If there are any issues with your scheduling request, we will be in touch with you promptly to resolve it, find an alternate time, or whatever needs to be done. You will also receive a reminder about your 4 paw kiddos upcoming fetch the day prior to the fetch or the morning of the scheduled fetch.
cancellationsFor fetches within the metro area, cancellation notifications are required a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled fetch and 72 hours prior for scheduled fetches outside of the metro area (including long distance fetches). If the above cancellation time is not met, client will be charged a cancellation fee of 25% of the fetch service fee. Please see the cancellation section of the FAQ's or the service agreement for more information. At this time, cancellations must be requested via a phone call to pet fetchers. The scheduling system we use does not support cancellations by the client (we do not know why - we've asked).
how does it work with pet service providers?As the 4 paw kiddo parent, it is your responsibility to make all arrangements with your pet service provider in advance. Ex., scheduling vet or grooming appointments, payment arrangements, make sure your 4 paw kiddo has met the requirements for doggy daycares, etc. Pet Fetchers is not responsible or liable for any pet service provider payments, appointments, etc. Should you request Pet Fetchers to deliver payment in the form of a check or cash, it is at the sole descretion of Pet Fetchers to accept or decline your request. Pet Fetchers is not liable for lost or stolen payments. While Pet Fetchers does not offer rides for humans, one human may be able to accompany their kiddo in certain circumstances with very limited availability. The exception to this is for airport drop off fetches where the 4 paw kiddo is traveling alone. The 4 paw pet parent or legal guardian must accompany the 4 paw kiddo to the airport. There is no ride charge for humans.
how frequently do you clean the transport rooms?We clean the transport rooms after each guest using the same product used in shelters, kennels, rescues, vet clinics, etc. that safely and quickly rids the environment of the pesky pathogens that cause disease. It's called rescue. Check it out at
what about comfort and safety?Pet Fetchers has implemented several safety protocols for your 4 paw kiddos while they are in our care. Individual transport rooms - Your 4 paw kiddos are transported in individual transport rooms that have padding on the floor of the room, cleaned after each guest, secured in place, and can be covered if your 4 paw kiddo needs some privacy. Transport rooms are in a climate controlled environment. Two leash policy - While you will provide your 4 paw kiddo's leash, pet fetchers will use a secondary safety leash as a back up if necessary. So if something unforeseen happens to one of them, we have a secondary safeguard in place (a 'plan B if you will). Pet Fetchers requires all fetchers to complete a 4-hour defensive driving course through the National Safety Council prior to driving/fetching and to maintain this certification throughout their employment with Pet Fetchers. Pet Fetchers also requires all fetchers to complete pet first aid and cpr for pets training and to maintain their certificate throughout employment. Pet Fetchers maintains pet first aid kits in all transport vehicles. Loading ramps are also kept in transport vehicles to aid in loading and unloading when needed. Pet Fetchers is a certified handler through the USDA. The USDA conducts random interviews and inspections to assure compliance. And, yes, we have passed all inspections... and will continue to do so.
what payment methods do you accept?We accept the following payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club.
when are payments due?All payments are due prior to the fetch. Payments for stand alone fetches: Payments are due a minimum of 24 hours prior to the requested day/time of the fetch. Fetches are not confirmed until pet fetchers receives your payment. Exceptions to this are emergency/unscheduled same day fetches (read below). Process for stand alone fetches: You request a fetch. You will receive a confirmation notification that we have received and accepted the requested day/time of your fetch. An invoice will then be sent to you for that fetch. Your requested fetch is not confirmed until pet fetchers receives your payment at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled fetch. We understand life can get kind of crazy sometimes (so does our scheduling), so if you will be unable to make payment at least 24 hours prior to the fetch, please give us a call. Emergency/unscheduled same day fetches must be paid immediately upon receiving the invoice for the requested fetch. Fetches are not confirmed until payment is received. Membership or Package fetches Payments for fetch memberships and/or packages are due at the time of purchase.
are payments safe?Yes. Our software scheduling service utilizes Stripe as the payment gateway. Your payments are protected through Stripe which is PCI compliant and utilizes industry leading encryption. Should you decide to save your payment information within the software for ease of use or recurring payments, Pet Fetchers does not have access to your credit card information. For more information, check out or
cancellationsCancellations are required 48 hours in advance for scheduled fetches within the metro and 72 hours in advance for scheduled fetches outside of the metro area. If client does not meet the cancellation requirements, a cancellation fee of 25% of the fetch fee will be charged to the client for stand alone fetches. If the fetch is from a membership or fetch package, a partial credit fee equal to 25% of one ride will be deducted from the remaining available rides. All cancellation requests must be made by contacting pet fetchers. The scheduling software we utilize does not allow clients to request cancellations from their online accounts. And no, we do not know why... we've asked. When/if this feature becomes available, we will update this section accordingly. Tip* Please contact us by phone if you do not receive a cancellation confirmation email. See the service agreement for details.
refundsStand alone fetches (fetches not included in a monthly membership or package). - If the fetch is cancelled 48 hours or more from the time of the scheduled fetch, 100% refund of the amount paid will be given less credit card company charges (we can't do anything about this). Within 48 hours, the refund will be 75% of the amount paid. Fetch Packages: Fetch package refunds will be applied under the following: 100% refund if cancelled within the first 5 days of purchase AND no fetches have been used. 75% refund if cancelled during 6-10 days from the date of purchase AND no fetches have been used. If any fetches have been used, no refund will be given. Clients have 60 days from the date of purchase to use the fetches included in the fetch packages. After 10 days of the date of purchase no refund will be given. pet fetchers will not refund unused fetches. If any fetches have been used at any time after purchase, no refund will be given. See the Service Agreement for more details.
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